Sunday, December 28, 2014


Have you hear about Profitclicking? Former name was Justbeenpaid? Now they transformed into addclickxpress. The business is the same, the looks of the web, the words is almost the same, and I think the outcome is will also the same, it’s a scam. 

The business Scheme
This site business scam is set up in 2 modes, 1 is as advertiser and the other is as investor, I don’t know what they called them, but I think the idea is the same, as I want to elaborate here as followings . But basically, the advertiser is someone who pay some amount of money, and they can put ad which has to clicked or visit by the investor if the investor wants to get some point. 

In this part, you can pay some money, and you have the right to put your ad about your website, your product, or anything, that you will have people, which is investor in this site too, to click on your ad to bust the number of visit of your website. When you have a website, high traffic is very important, so your website will be in a good rank and you can put more ads or sell something in it, and that’s the idea. But, since the visitor visits your website not because they are willing to, I don’t know how effective could it be. Maybe the traffic surely will be high to your web, but I don’t know if people will find it useful or not, because sometimes, they just don’t read them, just click your ad because that the task to do for the investor.
So actually the business is like getting nowhere because just cycling in their own members. The advertiser put ad while the investor, has to click those ad in particular number to get commissions, so it’s just like a fake traffic. Well, anyway, the system won’t recognized if they are fake or not, the traffic is traffic, and high traffic is good. So, by paying some amount of money, you can join this program, and put your website or blog, or whatever, and surely your site will be visited by people joining as investor, and there you are, your traffic to your website is high, and hopefully will show up in Google as number one. That’s good, unless Google now has policy to not allowing that kind of method. Now it’s up to you whether you want to bust your site like that, or do other way like promoting, and filling it up with quality contents, which I think much better, sincere, and decent way, and also more real.

The investor is somebody who pay some amount of money, and somehow that money will be added until 150% in one period of cycle time, usually 90 days. But they also have to click the ad provided by the advertiser. So It’s like mutualism actually which is good, if it will make profit to both parties. Only the problem is, there’s not only 2 parties there, but there is the third one, which is the management of this site.
I have joined this program since the name is still Justbeenpaid, until they changed the name into Profitclicking. I invested some money in order to get an easy money from them, but instead I lost them all. The money is not much, but the time wasting, and feeling of being fooled is really hurts. At the beginning, you will find many people find this site is working, they even got some money from it. That’s actually the trap that set up by these clown behind this scam. I think they only spread the money from the new registered member, who of course tempted to pay to get more points and money. So the scheme is like victim get victim, they don’t realize that they drink their friends blood, they who trusted him/her. Isn’t it sad? And before the collapse, as usual, they will have a symptoms like it’s hard to get your points changed into money, they will say that there’s something wrong with the system because of the traffic is to high and boom, they will reset the system, at least that’s what they said, and they’re gone. Maybe they will back, but sure your money will be gone.

So now they emerge again with this new name Adclickxpress, which is the same organized by the same clowns I supposed. I don’t know why the government never take any action with the fraud scheme like this, maybe they just so stupid, or just don’t care that how much lost that people can suffer from this kind of system. The management of this scam is surely just collecting money from both advertiser and investor, and just wait for the right time to get enough money and split, maybe some mobs is behind them as well.
So I tell you guys, maybe we can’t stop them, since the government is also stupid enough not stopping them to do the scheme over and over again, but surely we can do something. Stop joining this kind of program, ever, and tell the words to everybody you know, online or offline, that you should go away from this kind of scheme. I know, the business is sound real, and I’m sure can be trusted in theory, but in real life those robbers won’t let you to win.

But, don’t be discourage, you still can find business online which is real, and honest. Just start thinking internet is not a money machine, but think internet is a market machine. You can promote your product, your writing, your opinion and share them to all the world, and that very large market, isn’t it?
Start a decent business online, and stop participating on online scam business like this one. Do business like opening online shop, or do affiliate marketing like I do. Join a paid survey is also a good choice.
So good luck and happy starting a real work.

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