Monday, December 22, 2014


Credit card is one of the symbol of a success. Having credit card can be assumed that you are eligible and trusted for some financial status. With credit card, we can use our bank money to pay something that we want, and we can pay them later. What a convenience. We don’t have to carry cash everywhere, and isn’t it awesome

Well, if you are in money and use credit card only for a media to switch between using cash into a card, which of course could be more efficient and save, then it will be no problem, but if you use it as your last resource, than you are most likely will end up in trouble just as I was before.
Being in credit card debt, without knowing how to settle it could be very frustrating, because the more time you delay, the interest will haunt you like a scary ghost, like a shadow, haunt you everywhere.  It’s not impossible, that this problem which started like small thing can really eat your soul and ruin your family, your future, and your family future.

That’s why I would like to share to us all, that we should very very careful before we step on this bank’s trap, before you regret it. And if there’s any chance for you not to have a credit card, so stay away. Use debit card will be more applicable especially for person who don’t know when to stop. Trust me, you will prefer to live poor without debt than you poor and haunted by credit card collector, trust me, you won’t be there, I know I won’t.

Avoiding is the best way

So to avoid that, what we have to do is manage our financial carefully, as I said before, if it possible, just do not ever apply for credit card loan, because even if you don’t use it, annually you will be charged for administration, so it’s better to have debit card, instead.
And for those who happen to be lucky enough to have enough financial income, and you think you can manage the beast inside your credit card, please be careful of using and paying that card. Do not get tempted to pay minimum payment only, because that’s how your hole is dug. And it will get more deeper and deeper until it sink you alive.

How to survive

For those who unfortunate and stuck with credit card debt situation, it’s a sad but trust me, no one will help you until you can help yourself. People need you to convince them to help you, so you have to get back on your feet and try to figure it out yourself before asking for help, unless you will get laugh at, trust me.
Well , I can give you some tips about it, which I hope can help you settle it out.

1.       Cut your card

Cut off your credit card, doesn’t mean that you have to throw it yet, because you still need it to pay your debt, right. Cutting the card will emphasis you that you have enough with it, and for all this trouble you blame this card, not blaming yourself. It also make you stop thinking to get more loan to pay the other load, which will not help at all. If you have some long term loan without any interest that will be a good day dream to overcome all this problem but if you don’t, than that first step could be your good first move.

2.       Make a priority list

Write down your debt and focus on the lowest one. The more card you can pay and closed, will give encouraging impact for yourself, and assure you that you can survive this problem.
Just close your ear and focus on that lowest one, focus and try your best to get it paid and done. Reduce your meal if you have to, reducing entertainment budget is a must, and remember, the faster you paid them all, the faster you’ll get back your dignity and life.

3.       Get bank amnesty

If the country can ask for debt wipe out scheme, why can’t we? Try to call the bank and ask about debt settlement scheme. Although your name maybe will be in the blacklist as unperformed debitur, but trust me, you won’t be worry about it now, and trust me also, as soon as you have much money in the bank, nobody will care about this bad list, other bank will offer you more and more credit card for you, which I think that time you won’t be interested in anymore.

Tell the bank that you can afford to pay them anymore, tell them you broke, which is not to hard to tell because you are. Ask for bank debt wipe out. I know it sounds too optimistic, and surely no bank will give you that before you die, literally, so your target is actually to negotiate with them. For them I’m sure half of their money is better than nothing, so be sure that you will take half of your debt instead of nothing, so deal with them. But also calculate your financial situation, because you will keep that deal, otherwise it will canceled and you will be in zero square again, which you don’t want it. After you get the settlement scheme, stick with it, do everything legal to fulfill it, and at the end of it, you will feel like winning the war and ready for other war. It will also discipline yourself to manage your money more wisely.

Above of all, I will again assure you, having credit card is a nightmare, if you don’t have money, credit card is not a solution for sure, if you are in money, why don’t you just use debit card, instead. Credit card is an evil product to trap us on their cruel game. Even maybe the bank will not literally do that, but those evil people work in this industry do. They have a record for bad debt and this loan shark with after you like a real shark ready to eat your life.

Say no to credit card, be patient to yourself, find any resource you can increase your income legally. Because the money is out there, you just don’t know it yet.
Only loser can't survive this, sure you're not one of them.

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